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Displaying 13–17 of 17

The Fund for American Studies

The Fund for American Studies has been educating young leaders on the values of freedom, democracy and free-market economies since 1967. Eleven institutes around the world bring college students together for educational programs engaging them in a rigorous examination of economic concepts, political systems, and moral philosophy. Our goal is to prepare young people for honorable leadership by educating them in the theory, practice, and benefits of a free society.

Ywca Boston

YW Boston's mission is to eliminate racism, empower women, and promote peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. As the first YWCA in the nation, YW Boston has been at the forefront of advancing equity for over 150 years. Through our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Services, advocacy work, girls leadership program, community partnerships, and events, we help individuals and organizations change policies, practices, attitudes, and behaviors with the goal of creating more inclusive environments. YW Boston focused on lasting, systemic change so that women, people of color, and especially women of color can succeed.

Human Concern International (HCI)

To provide dynamic leadership for implementing what we see as universal values founded on fundamental Islamic values by contributing to the alleviation of poverty and securing better socio-economic life for the disadvantaged groups through empowering them to depend on themselves and participate in the decisions concerning their own problems. These values are echoed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other United Nations human rights instruments. The freedoms and responsibilities inherent in them lead directly to tolerance, pluralism, gender equality, public dialogue and non-violence to settle disputes, respect for all people regardless of differing characteristics – all part of what we call “Canadian values”.

Trinity Forum

Founded in 1991, this Washington, DC-area nonprofit is modeled loosely on the Aspen Institute and works with top-level executives in all professions to address the deep personal and public issues of modern life from the perspective of faith. Its mission is to contribute to the transformation and renewal of society through the transformation and renewal of leaders. The board and staff are Christian in commitment, but its programs are open to leaders from all faith commitments (or none) and are held in a seminar style that focuses on themed readings and respects the perspectives of all participants. Particular focus areas include ethics, character, motivation, responsibility, philanthropy, and freedom of conscience, all addressed in the context of history and the great ideas of Western civilization.

People For The American Way Foundation

Our MissionIn times of hardship, in times of crises, societies throughout history have experienced wrenching dislocations in their fundamental values and beliefs ... We are alarmed that some of the current voices of stridency and division may replace those of reason and unity. If these voices continue unchallenged, the results will be predictable: a rise in `demonology' and hostility, a breakdown in community and social spirit, a deterioration of free and open dialogue, and the temptation to grasp at simplistic solutions for complex problems. People For the American Way Foundation was established to address these matters. Our purpose is to meet the challenges of discord and fragmentation with an affirmation of `the American Way.' By this, we mean pluralism, individuality, freedom of thought, expression and religion, a sense of community, and tolerance and compassion for others. People For the American Way Foundation will reach out to all Americans and affirm that in our society, the individual still matters; that there is reason to believe in the future; not to despair of it; and that we must strengthen the common cords that connect us as humans and citizens. By educating the American people and raising their level of understanding about the basic tenets by which our society is sustained, People For the American Way Foundation will fulfill its mission.