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Tana River Life Foundation

Tana River Life Foundation (TRLF) is a charitable organization based in Idsowe Village in the Tana Delta in Kenya. It was founded as a private trust in 2005 by Gabriel Teo Kian Chong, a Malaysian citizen resident in Kenya. TRLF was registered as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) with the Kenya NGOs Coordination Board in 2007. Tana River Life Foundation's mission is to assist individuals and thereby entire rural communities, especially the marginalized and economically disadvantaged, become self-reliant in dignity. Tana River Life Foundation's vision is to build a more just and honest society, leading to more complete humanity for all. Through education support schemes, sustainable agricultural projects, community-based entrepreneurship schemes, and youth integral formation programmes, TRLF seeks to nurture the inherent talents and potentials of people such that they have the freedom and ability to build lives of dignity for themselves, their dependents, and their larger communities. By connecting people from economically developed and developing societies, TRLF also seeks to give more meaning and depth to each life that it encounters.

Star of Hope Foundation

To ensure obtaining of knowledge, good manners and practical skills in the young people upon assuming responsibility and for making efficient and useful decisions in the different fields of public life which shall ensure benefit for their families and for the civil society. To help hereby to create people with self-esteem, moral resistance and ethics. To perform social activity by rendering support and humanitarian aid to: - people in need who have suffered from natural and social disasters by providing food, clothes, transport, shelter, etc. - unemployed people, young families, orphans, homeless people and mothers, incapacitated and socially weak people and invalids, people deprived of freedom and other categories of socially disadvantaged people. - state and private institutions dealing with invalids. - literacy activities - organizing and holding courses for professional training and for acquiring qualification /in different types of specialties/. To support individuals who have spent some time in social institutions: correctional institutions and rehabilitation centers for drug addicts, prisons and orphanages for their realization in the civil society.

Critical Education Association

The aim of the Association is scientific and social activity in the area of development and education of communities at risk of exclusion, including the activation of women and educational, educational and charitable activities for children and youth. - Creating conditions conducive to the integration of local environments. - Equal educational opportunities for women and children from areas at risk of exclusion. - Counteracting discrimination based on gender, age, socio-economic status, religion, race and ethnicity. - Promotion and protection of freedoms and human rights and civil liberties. - Action to eliminate the disadvantage of women in public life, in the labour market, in society and in culture. - Promotion of equality between women and men, in particular in the labour market and in the domestic sphere. - Counteracting violence against women, children and young people. - Removing barriers related to access to knowledge about new technologies and educational opportunities. - Supporting small businesses and social cooperatives. - Civic and ecological education for local communities. - Preserving cultural traditions and natural heritage - Activities for European integration and support for contacts between communities.

Public Movement Faith, Hope, Love

For 25 years, the Public Movement "Faith, Hope, Love" has been operating. The organization is created initiative group of psychologists, lawyers, medical workers and volunteers in 1996. The main purpose of the organization is to assist in the development of civil society, economic, political, social reforms in Ukraine, influence on policy-making, protection of rights and freedoms, increase quality of human life, in particular children and youth, by combining the efforts of the community and the state. Since 1997, work has begun to cover preventive measures of new key groups involved in the HIV / AIDS epidemic. The main key groups with which the organization works are IDUs, CSWs, people in the field imprisonment, women victims of domestic violence, any person who has suffered from domestic violence trafficking in human beings, children in crisis, refugees and asylum seekers in Ukraine from Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Congo, Iraq, Guinea, and other African countries, internally displaced persons from the zone military action in Ukraine, women who have suffered from various forms of violence.

Achievement First

Despite the promise of equal educational opportunity, the United States has largely failed to provide low-income children access to a high-quality education. The difference in academic performance between poor and affluent students, known as the achievement gap, has serious implications for the future life opportunities of students and for our society at large. Closing the achievement gap is both an economic and moral imperative - the modern frontier of the civil rights movement. The mission of Achievement First is to deliver on the promise of equal educational opportunity for all of America's children. We believe that all children, regardless of race or economic status, can succeed if they have access to a great education. Achievement First schools will provide all our students with the academic and character skills they need to graduate from top colleges, to succeed in a competitive world and to serve as the next generation of leaders for our communities. Achievement First will continue to create public charter schools that close the achievement gap, while also looking to partner with other like-minded, reform-oriented organizations to maximize our collective impact. Together, we will continue our work until every child is given access to a great education and enjoys the real freedom that flows from that opportunity.

Living Nazareth

Life at Living Nazareth is not just about education but formation of the whole person (intellectual, human, and spiritual), accomplished primarily through the culture and spirit of the school, which fosters and promotes the contemplative life, especially through spiritual direction and daily Mass. We insist on a schedule that is not burdensome or exhausting, prioritizing a spirit of silence and a sense of wonder while allowing students valuable time with family and ample freedom to explore their own good pursuits. We aim to lead students to view learning properly as leisure rather than a task that begins and ends with the school day, and foster a spirit of gratitude in understanding that the gift of knowledge is something to be cherished rather than a burdensome checklist to dispense with as soon as possible. Students are likewise entrusted with great responsibility for disposing themselves well to receive this formation. Just as well cultivated soil may produce a variety of plants, so do well disposed students blossom and bear fruit in a variety of ways. No one way is given priority over another but all are rightly recognized as unique notes in a symphony composed by God, one that all well formed students will have ears to hear and in which they will justly delight, moving them to return thanks and praise to their Creator, at once both the majestic Author of that joyous harmony and their closest and dearest Friend.

Sustainable Development Association (SDA)

We strive to build & strengthen the capacity of the communities and empower the people particularly poor, marginalized and excluded to address their development needs through integration and coordination at local, provincial and national level. Objectives: 1. Conflict Resolution and Promotion of Peace & tolerance in the society 2. Empower deprived segments of society Women, Minorities, Children, Laborer and peasants to secure their basic rights. 3. To advocate for provision/Improvement of Education, Health, clean drinking water and sanitation facilities. 4. To work for promotion of human rights specifically of women, minorities, labor and peasants rights 5. To promote the democratic values and political education and struggle for Empowered Local Governments 6. To work for Climate Resilient society Approach: A participatory approach is followed towards socio- economic and political development of communities. Local knowledge and wisdom is on priority basis and sense of ownership is promoted among the target communities. STRATEGIES: SDA has implemented integrated strategy for the development and empowerment of deprived communities. Following strategies have been adopted for the intervening: Committees of SDA on Thematic Areas to analyze the issues, plan and implement program. Social Mobilization Capacity building Technical and financial support Research and knowledge building Advocacy and Networking Targeting poor and most deprived communities Focusing specially on women, children and farmer's development and empowerment Networking and Cooperation Strengthening local groups and other CSOs through providing capacity building opportunities VALUES: Following values are kept as belief at the centre in all our decisions and functions: Religious and cultural freedom Equal Learning's opportunities for all Peace, tolerance and democracy Gender equality and equity Participatory decision making Transparency and accountability Thematic Focus: Our all programs are scrutinized with the lens of Gender and environment which are the cross cutting theme in all the activities. Organization works in the following thematic area; 1. Democracy, Governance & Social Services 2. Human Rights 3. Peace & Tolerance 4. Environment Protection

John Carroll University

A John Carroll education is distinguished by respect and care for the whole person (cura personalis), innovative teaching, and integrated learning throughout the entire student experience. A commitment to excellence and academic rigor animates JCU's way of proceeding - graduating individuals of intellect and character who lead and serve by engaging the world. John Carroll University, founded in 1886, is a private, coeducational, Catholic, and Jesuit university. It provides programs in the liberal arts, sciences, education, and business at the undergraduate level, and in selected areas at the master's level. The University also offers its facilities and personnel to the Greater Cleveland community. As a university, John Carroll is committed to the transmission and enrichment of the treasury of human knowledge with the autonomy and freedom appropriate to a university. As a Catholic university, it is further committed to seek and synthesize all knowledge, including the wisdom of Christian revelation. In the pursuit of this integration of knowledge, the University community is enriched by scholarship representing the pluralistic society in which we live. All can participate freely in the intellectual, moral, and spiritual dialog necessary to this pursuit. Within this dialog, in which theological and philosophical questions play a crucial role, students have the opportunity to develop, synthesize, and live a value system based on respect for and critical evaluation of facts; on intellectual, moral, and spiritual principles which enable them to cope with new problems; and on the sensitivity and judgment that prepare them to engage in responsible social action. In a Jesuit university, the presence of Jesuits and colleagues who are inspired by the vision of Saint Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus in 1540, is of paramount importance. This vision, which reflects the value system of the Gospels, is expressed in the Spiritual Exercises, the source of Jesuit life and mission. To education the Jesuit spirit brings a rationality appropriately balanced by human affection, an esteem for the individual as a unique person, training in discerning choice, openness to change, and a quest for God's greater glory in the use of this world's goods. Commitment to the values that inspired the Spiritual Exercises promotes justice by affirming the equal dignity of all persons and seeks balance between reliance on divine assistance and natural capacities. The effort to combine faith and culture takes on different forms at different times in Jesuit colleges and universities. Innovation, experiment, and training for social leadership are essential to the Jesuit tradition. At the same time, John Carroll University welcomes students and faculty from different religious backgrounds and philosophies. Dedicated to the total development of the human, the University offers an environment in which every student, faculty, and staff person may feel welcomed. Within this environment there is concern for the human and spiritual developmental needs of the students and a deep respect for the freedom and dignity of the human person. A faculty not only professionally qualified, but also student oriented, considers excellence in interpersonal relationships as well as academic achievement among its primary goals. The University places primary emphasis on instructional excellence. It recognizes the importance of research in teaching as well as in the development of the teacher. In keeping with its mission, the University especially encourages research that assists the various disciplines in offering solutions to the problems of faith in the modern world, social inequities, and human needs. The commitment to excellence at John Carroll University does not imply limiting admissions to the extremely talented student only. Admission is open to all students who desire and have the potential to profit from an education suited to the student's needs as a person and talents as a member of society. The educational experience at John Carroll University provides opportunities for the students to develop as total human persons. They should be well grounded in liberalizing, humanizing arts and sciences; proficient in the skills that lead to clear, persuasive expression; trained in the intellectual discipline necessary to pursue a subject in depth; aware of the interrelationship of all knowledge and the need for integration and synthesis; able to make a commitment to a tested scale of values and to demonstrate the self-discipline necessary to live by those values; alert to learning as a life-long process; open to change as they mature; respectful of their own culture and that of others; aware of the interdependence of all humanity; and sensitive to the need for social justice in response to current social pressures and problems. Our partner in Honduras is Sociedad Amigos de Los Ninos, whose mission is to: Improve the quality of lives of children, adolescents, mothers, families and communities according to their specific needs, implementing programs that provide protection, education, health, training, financing, spiritual orientation, and housing, involving them in achieving their own development. Enable our supporters and volunteers to join this labor of love where they have the opportunity to fulfill their own dreams in favor of the less fortunate.

North West Democratic School

North West Democratic School (t/a Sligo Sudbury School) was founded in 2017 to address the growing need for an alternative to mainstream education for children and teenagers. We provide an environment for self-directed education for children aged 5-18 years, supported by a muti-discipliary staff team. We currently employ 9 part-time staff members. Standardised education and the curriculum taught in schools today do not adequately support diversity and inclusion. The emphasis on competition, the one size fits all approach, the drive for higher standards of achievement and performance effectively exclude a large portion of the population from the possibility to succeed, and discourage the qualities of collaboration, empathy and kindness that are so needed in our society. Our social mission is to address this issue by giving young people autonomy in a supportive learning environment and fostering the most volitional and high quality forms of motivation and engagement for activities, including enhanced performance, persistence, and creativity. We are a democratically run organisation which provides children with a real voice in their own education and the running of the school, fostering empowerment and a sense of personal responsibility. Students are not obliged to follow a set curriculum but are fully supported in designing their own learning experiences, enabling them to grow in confidence and take on challenges that are timely and at the right level for them. This model of education is particularly suited to children who do not fit the confining criteria and standards of mainstream and who are therefore disadvantaged by the system itself as their emotional, social, and learning needs cannot be adequately met within the mainstream model. Our mission is to provide a safe environment where young people can engage in self-directed learning and democracy, where children are free to choose their own learning goals and pursue them at their own pace, while participating in a community of self-governance and justice where each member's voice is equally valued and heard. We believe that there are many approaches to learning and that each child can be supported in their chosen path. We are committed to providing an alternative model of education where children have choice about their learning, freedom to go about their business, and time to explore and create without pressure or constraint. We aim to safeguard an environment where autonomous, self-directed, intrinsically motivated learning can flourish.

Melel Xojobal A.C.

Melel Xojobal is a children's rights organization based in San Cristobal de Las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. Our mission is to promote and defend the rights of indigenous children and young people through participatory educational programs that improve their quality of life. At Melel Xojobal we work in a participatory manner to promote the strengthening of indigenous cultural identity, to defend human rights, to strengthen personal and cultural dignity, to ensure that justice and liberty are respected, and that the participation of all is ensured regardless of race, gender, creed, religious affiliation or ideology. We believe that education is a fundamental means by which people exercise self-determination and become the authors of their own history. Melel Xojobal's specific objectives are: 1. To implement participatory educational programmes with indigenous girls, boys, and young people to promote and defend their rights to health, education, protection from mistreatment, to regulated conditions of work, association and expression. 2. To generate through ongoing research a better understanding of child welfare, human rights and education in an urban context. 3. To inform and educate the Mexican public about the human rights of indigenous girls, boys, and young people of Chiapas. 4. To exchange and share ideas and experiences from a human rights perspective which relate to indigenous infant, childhood, and adolescent education among organizations on a national and international level. All of our work is guided by the aim of protecting and promoting five human rights established by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Rights to health, to education, to protection against all forms of mistreatment, to work, and to freedom of expression and association). Our work responds to the situation of indigenous peoples in Mexico, who account for around 10% of the population, and continue to live in conditions that marginalise them socially, economically and politically and which push them to the edge of society. To provide an indication of the need for our work: according to government statistices, in the city we work in, in 2010 61% of the population had no formal right to medical services; 24% of the population aged 3-18 did not attend school. In 2010 we formally counted 2,481 child workers in the city. In 2005 in Chiapas as a whole, 71% of the population under 14 lived in municipalities classified as being at high or extreme risk of malnutrition; in some municipalities infant mortality rates 75 in a 1000, on a par with several countries in sub-Saharan Africa.

NGO Museum of Contemporary Art

NGO Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA NGO) unites representatives of artistic and expert communities working with contemporary art in Ukraine, systematically develops the sphere, and advocates the necessity to create a new type of museum institution in our country. MOCA NGO history: The organization was established in 2020 on the basis of the NGO Dzygamedialab (2015), which has been developing the Open Archive of Ukrainian Media Art and related projects for five years. The discussion on the need for museification of contemporary art in Ukraine has continued in the professional environment since the mid-1990s. In 2019 it was supported by the efforts of Minister of Culture (Volodymyr Borodyansky, 2019-2020), and then the museum issue went beyond purely professional discussion. In March 2020, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy selected the scientific research by the group, which has been working at the National Art Museum of Ukraine since 2017, to implement the professional museum institution of contemporary art. Two of the nine participants in that working group joined the group of Advisors of the MOCA NGO, and four joined the self-governing MOCA Expert Councils initiated by the MOCA NGO. Co-founders of MOCA NGO put their minds and efforts into the art system-developing projects. Here is a link to the co-founders interview on the museum creation issues subject (July 2021): Since 2021, together with several dozen colleagues, involved in one way or another, we have been working on primary issues that will make contemporary art in Ukraine more accessible for the professional community and broader audiences, in particular, through advanced museum activities. We strive to create conditions for productive work in the field of contemporary art. Before 24th February 2022, there were three directions in MOCA NGO program activities: 1. Institutional (the projects that facilitate the structural development of the art field). 2. Science + Education + Communications. 3. Interaction with the authorities (the projects that provide guidance from the professional community and support to the state institutions). We believe that an advanced system of contemporary art, as we consider it and work on it, delivers results in the following areas: "Contact with the Contemporary" "Thinking" "Understanding yourself" ("Identity") "Accumulation of values," primarily - the symbolic values of contemporary artworks. It affects the reputation, social, and economic value projections at the both levels of individuals and society as a whole. This is our choice that shapes our activities and our relationships with our teammates, colleagues and partners. We would describe our activities as liquid, shared, digital, based on relations/ integrations/ networks, glocal, sustainable on point. Since 24th February 2022, when Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, MOCA NGO has been focusing on the projects that are particularly relevant during the war days and afterwards and established the Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund in partnership with The Naked Room, ZABORONA and Mystetskyi Arsenal. MOCA NGO actual priorities: Short term: +community: support and development of the art community in Ukraine; +content: working with art practices results. Long term: country transformations caused by the development of advanced art system (new type of professional museum as a core element). ------ The Ukrainian Emergency Art Fund (UEAF) raises funds to distribute to independent artists, curators, art managers, researchers, culture workers and non-governmental cultural initiatives in need. As you can see on the UEAF website ( : UEAF mission: Today, the world needs free, strong and alive voices of Ukrainian cultural actors more than ever. Our task is to ensure the continuity and development of the Ukrainian cultural process during the war. UEAF priorities: 1. Survival/emergency needs: support for cultural workers who have remained in Ukraine and urgently need support to ensure a basic standard of living and security. 2. Development needs: to ensure the visibility of Ukrainian culture in Ukraine and abroad, we support cultural workers and artists in Ukraine and those who relocated abroad after the start of a full-scale Russian war against Ukraine. We strive to support: + individual creative activity of artists and cultural workers; + continuity of research of curators, theoreticians, researchers and other cultural workers; + support packages for NGOs and cultural initiatives to support and enhance their programs and activities. UEAF team do: + facilitate support and administer donations offered by international artistic and charity organisations, as well as from private donors; + provide support for cultural actors from different sectors( independent artists, curators, arts managers, researchers, writers etc) and cultural NGOs in Ukraine; + provide the opportunity to live and work for cultural workers, who decided to stay in Ukraine in order to preserve the cultural heritage of their area (museums, private collections, architectural monuments), etc. + globally promote contemporary Ukrainian culture as a powerful instrument for protection of the values of democracy and freedom in the world.

Mavi Kalem Association

Mavi Kalem was formed at the aftermath of the 1999 earthquake, and founded in 2000, to respond the needs of the earthquake affected and migrated communities in particular of the disadvantageous groups of women and children in health and education. Since then, it has been implementing projects mainly assisting women and children since its establishment. Projects involving the empowerment, skill development, health services and information sharing have been implemented throughout 2000-2002 in Düzce area, mainly assisting women and children after the earthquake. Since 2002, Mavi Kalem has been implementing projects and activities concerning; educational support, awareness raising on health standards, awareness raising on domestic violence, psychological support, consultancy on health and legal issues for both local and migrated women and children in Fener/ Balat district in Fatih, Istanbul, addressing the needs of children, women and girls of the local community migrated from all regions of Turkey and since 2014 the Syrian children and women in Fener-Balat were included in its beneficiary group. Activities such as Turkish language courses, socialization activities with local population, help in admissions to schools and other official and administrative actions, and psychological support were provided to Syrian children and women. Mavi Kalem has worked toward the Syrian refugee influx related issues since 2011, by conducting needs assessments and gap analysis in Hatay, Gaziantep and Sanliurfa without-camp populations. Also on the national and international level; women' rights and health rights, children's rights, wide spreading of minimum standards in humanitarian aid, youth exchange programs are included in Mavi Kalem's actions. Dissemination and advocacy for humanitarian assistance standards and principles in disasters, emergencies and migration situations is one of Mavi Kalem's work areas. Since 2001 it has been part of Sphere Project, since 2009 INEE Workgroups and for 2 years now part of CHS Alliance. MAVİ KALEM has held the adaptation of Sphere handbook in Turkish successfully and been in cooperation with Ministry of Health, TRC, municipality health departments for its wide spreading, and implementing training programs. Similarly INEE and CHS basic humanitarian aid principal books have been adapted to Turkish and disseminated at national level by Mavi Kalem. It is one of the founding members of SITAP (Civil Society Disaster Platform, national). Mavi Kalem has organized Women in Disasters and Emergencies Workshop hosting women experts, academics, experienced NGO field workers from humanitarian organizations, NGOs, and women right based organizations in 2016. Gender specific issues, needs, and rights in emergency settings were discussed; field experiences and suggestions for improvement were exchanged toward strengthening and mainstreaming the gender perspective in disaster and emergency response. Mavi Kalem, has also delivered its services and expertise to disaster and emergency or poverty affected locations other than its primary implementation area through partnership with other local organizations, in other districts of Istanbul and other provinces such as during the Van earthquake response. Overall organizational strength and capacity lies within the Mavi Kalem's 17 years of implementation experience with focus on public health and education, disaster, emergency and migration specialization, advocacy of women and girls health rights, mainstreaming gender equality perspective in its implementation, developing and designing projects and programs based on the needs and participation and feedback mechanisms of its beneficiaries, volunteers, and supporters, measuring quality and monitoring and evaluation of impact in action rather than quantity focus, integrity and commitment of Mavi Kalem, at all levels to organization's policies in regards to work ethics, preceding women and girls, and children protection, non-discriminatory approach, preservation of confidentiality and respect for dignity, transparency and accountability, anti-fraud and corruption. Since its foundation Mavi Kalem has been working with international donors and experienced in project budget management, and reporting accordingly. Mavi Kalem's administrative and financial system and its management are executed as per Turkey's finance law and associations' law and regulations. Grant agreements, contracts and partnership agreements are also reflected in its implementation and management. Annually Mavi Kalem goes through financial and administrative auditing of relevant governmental body and also independent financial auditing. Mavi Kalem prioritizes gender equality in the implementation and decision making steps of projects and decides and acts with accountability, transparency, participation and approaches differences equal as principal. Mavi Kalem, being a non-profit civil society organization for which 97% of employees are women, applies positive discrimination to women when recruiting, selecting and determining beneficiaries and target groups to promote gender equality. To eliminate social discrimination during stages of project content, project design and project implementation, working with women is prioritized in determination of the project team and selection of financial experts procured from the affiliated participant organization. In addition to being sensitive to gender discrimination in works and studies, Mavi Kalem acts responsibly and is in favor of vulnerable groups avoiding discirimination based on ethnicity, political views, religious beliefs, sexual identity and race in terms of target groups, beneficiaries and employees. Mavi Kalem does not define itself in politic, religious or ethnical personalities. Freedom, human rights, democratic rights, health rights, public gender equality, women rights, LGBT rights, children's rights and prevention of discrimination are supported. ) In addition to all, Mavi Kalem has started a process of institutionalization at 2015 to improve on its experience in project development and implementation it has built last 18 years and aims to develop and improve its policies based on its long experience.