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Displaying 13–24 of 40

Day One New York

Day One partners with youth to end dating abuse and domestic violence through preventive education, supportive services, legal advocacy and leadership development. Since 2003, Day One has educated more than 40,000 youth and adults about healthy relationships and preventing relationship abuse. Our direct services include individual and group counseling, legal assistance and advocacy projects for young people, 24 years of age and under.  

Veronica's Voice

Founded in 2000, Veronica's Voice exists to empower women to exit from, to prevent the entry into, and to end all demand for prostitution-sex trafficking in the United States through survivor leadership.

4 Freedom

Working with schools, local churches, like-minded organizations and individuals, our mission is to end child exploitation in Tucson and provide a hopeful solution to this problem through awareness training and prevention education.

Saving Innocence Inc

To rescue and restore child victims of sex trafficking through strategic partnerships with local law enforcement, social service providers, and schools, while mobilizing communities to prevent abuse and increase neighborhood safety.

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children

The mission of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® is to serve as a resource center for law enforcement, families and the public to help find missing children, reduce child sexual exploitation and prevent child victimization.

I 5 Freedom Network

To engage our local government, community organizations, and business communities in the effort to fight human trafficking via industry relevant education so that these communities are empowered and encouraged to step up and make a difference, both in the prevention and recovery of victims.

Independence House

Independence House helps all domestic violence and sexual assault victims and their children by creating opportunities to find safety and become empowered through crisis intervention, advocacy, counseling, referral, prevention outreach, education and inspiring change in our community. Our vision is to see domestic and sexual violence come to an end.

Impact Stories
Family Violence Law Center

Founded in 1978, Family Violence Law Center (FVLC) helps diverse communities in Alameda County heal from domestic violence and sexual assault, advocating for justice and healthy relationships. They provide survivor-centered legal and crisis intervention services, offer prevention education for youth and other community members, and engage in policy work to create systemic change.

Joy International

JOY International is devoted to the rescue, restoration, reintegration and prevention of children who are trafficked and forced into commercial sexual exploitation. We are also committed to give children, teens and young women who are rescued out of the sex trade a renewed hope and a joy for living with enhanced life opportunities through Safe Havens that offer physical, emotional, psychological, educational, vocational and spiritual restoration.

The Kansas DUI Impact Center Inc

The mission of the Kansas DUI Impact Center (KSDUI) is to serve victims of impaired driving and their families, while increasing awareness of the traumatic consequences of vehicular crime committed under the influence of drugs and alcohol through community outreach, education, and prevention, to reduce DUI offender recidivism as result of the DUI Victim Panel, and to positively impact social perception of impaired driving eliminating subsequent serious injury and death increasing public safety.

VTV Family Outreach Foundation

On April 16, 2007, a shooter took the lives of 32 innocent students and faculty, as well as injuring and traumatizing many more. VTV, a 501 c3 founded on October 10, 2009 by the families of the victims and survivors, is committed to preventing more such tragedies and helping those impacted by them. VTV’s non-partisan Campaign 32 is dedicated to getting every state to follow Virginia’s example and submit all prohibited names into the national background check system.

Araminta Freedom Initiative

Araminta Freedom Initiative reduces the threat of child sex trafficking—the buying and selling of minors for the purpose of sexual exploitation—and restores the mind, body and spirit of those who have survived the trauma of modern slavery.A member of the Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force, we develop and implement educational initiatives and local prevention plans with churches, schools and communities, while providing individualized, restorative services to victims of child sex trafficking using trauma-informed, evidenced-based models.